Auction Description
cabinets, lighting fixtures, ceiling fans, over-range microwaves, trim, full size Danny freezer, saw, shower door assembly kit, oak six pack dining chairs, fishing poles, cabinet knobs new, plumbing parts, 3 insta pots, Keurig coffee maker, Tonneau truck bed cover, door knobs, towel bar, 2 video baby monitors, Cap A Tread stair renewal system, aluminum extension ladder
Auction held by Cambridge Self Storage
Notice: The laws change from State to State however in some states, the defaulted tenant has the legal right to cure the account thus canceling the auction up until the cash payment is received from the winning bidder.
Additional Terms: Buyer has 24 hours to clean out unit. Deposit of $100 cash (to be given back when unit is completely empty and cleaned out. Pallet(s) belong to Storage company. If the unit is not cleaned out in 24 hours, the unit will be considered abandoned and will become property of the storage facility.
Payment Accepted: Card
Access: Office Hours