Auction Description
Looks like sofas and stuff
Auction held by High Desert Storage
Notice: The laws change from State to State however in some states, the defaulted tenant has the legal right to cure the account thus canceling the auction up until the cash payment is received from the winning bidder.
Additional Terms: $100.00 cleaning deposit. Must call the office within 24 hours of end of auction to set up time to empty the unit. Unit must be vacated in ONE day during OFFICE HOURS 10 to 4 ONLY Closed Sundays All items in As IS condition. Original tenant can redeem unit by paying amount due before the unit is sold at auction NO DUMPSTER PRIVILEGES!!!!!!! YOU MUST TAKE ALL. THE GOOD AND THE BAD TO GET YOUR DEPOSIT BACK. NO REFUNDS!!!!!! Your cleaning deposit will be held until you vacate the unit. Thanks