Maxwell Avenue Mini Storage

1140 Maxwell Ave
Evansville, IN 47711

📞 (812) 428-3993

  • No current on-site auctions for this facility.

  • Maxwell Avenue Mini Storage - Auction #38768

    Size: 50 sq. ft.
    Several suitcases, totes, flat screen TV, tool boxes, wooden chest, wooden chair, small refrigerator
    Views 99
    Bids 0
    last bid:

    Maxwell Avenue Mini Storage - Auction #38769

    Size: 50 sq. ft.
    Totes, suitcases, DVD’s or CD’s, wooden quilt rack, wooden bowl, lamps, maybe a microwave and some sort of wooden chest.
    Views 79
    Bids 0
    last bid:

    Maxwell Avenue Mini Storage - Auction #38770

    Size: 50 sq. ft.
    Ladder, wooden coffee table, recliner, weed eater, maybe a lawn mower, maybe vacuum sweeper, area rug, lamp, upholstered chair or love seat, plastic chest of drawers, folding step stool, tote bags.
    Views 103
    Bids 1
    last bid:

    Maxwell Avenue Mini Storage - Auction #38786

    Size: 100 sq. ft.
    Infant carrier, toys, large wooden crate, full sheets of plywood, bat, basketballs, football and several others, small wooden chest and portable baby crib.
    Views 85
    Bids 0
    last bid:

    Maxwell Avenue Mini Storage - Auction #37204

    Size: 100 sq. ft.
    Small wooden chest, ladder, several small wooden boxes, totes, toys, metal shelves, large artificial plant, mirror, curtain rods and seasonal decorations
    Views 240
    Bids 5
    last bid:

    Maxwell Avenue Mini Storage - Auction #37208

    Size: 100 sq. ft.
    Infant carrier, toys, large wooden crate, full sheets of plywood, bat, basketballs, football and several others, small wooden chest and portable baby crib.
    Views 205
    Bids 0
    last bid:

    Maxwell Avenue Mini Storage - Auction #34963

    Size: 100 sq. ft.
    Several pieces of wooden furniture, chair, table, shelves and several totes.
    Views 112
    Bids 0
    last bid:

    Maxwell Avenue Mini Storage - Auction #34972

    Size: 100 sq. ft.
    Scooter, bicycle, pool cue cases, refrigerator, canvas chairs, metal cabinet, boxes, recliner, coffee table, drop leaf table
    Views 285
    Bids 25
    last bid:

    Maxwell Avenue Mini Storage - Auction #31666

    Size: 100 sq. ft.
    Wire basket shelving unit, totes, toys wooden bed frame
    Views 291
    Bids 0
    last bid:

    Maxwell Avenue Mini Storage - Auction #31667

    Size: 50 sq. ft.
    Several suitcases, bike and clothes
    Views 251
    Bids 0
    last bid:
    On-site Only Auctions

    Maxwell Avenue Mini Storage

    Storage auction at Maxwell Avenue Mini Storage on 11/14/2014 at 10:00AM.
    Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 10:00 AM

    Maxwell Avenue Mini Storage

    Storage auction at Maxwell Avenue Mini Storage on 06/05/2015 at 10:00AM.
    Fri, Jun 5, 2015 at 10:00 AM
  • No upcoming on-site auctions for this facility.

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