Maxwell Avenue Mini Storage

1140 Maxwell Ave
Evansville, IN 47711

📞 (812) 428-3993

  • No current on-site auctions for this facility.

  • Maxwell Avenue Mini Storage - Auction #42655

    Size: 100 sq. ft.
    Totes, several boxes, box of CDs, toy, glass and brass shelves, wooden rack
    Views 107
    Bids 7
    last bid:

    Maxwell Avenue Mini Storage - Auction #42648

    Size: 50 sq. ft.
    Totes, suitcases, DVD’s or CD’s, wooden quilt rack, wooden bowl, lamps, maybe a microwave and some sort of wooden chest.
    Views 115
    Bids 10
    last bid:

    Maxwell Avenue Mini Storage - Auction #42656

    Size: 100 sq. ft.
    Metal door, construction materials, electronic equipment, wooden table, leather? couch and chair, wooden shelves. Full unit but hard to see behind items in the front.
    Views 112
    Bids 9
    last bid:

    Maxwell Avenue Mini Storage - Auction #42644

    Size: 50 sq. ft.
    Several suitcases, totes, flat screen TV, tool boxes, wooden chest, wooden chair, small refrigerator
    Views 184
    Bids 11
    last bid:

    Maxwell Avenue Mini Storage - Auction #42649

    Size: 100 sq. ft.
    Infant carrier, toys, large wooden crate, full sheets of plywood, bat, basketballs, football and several others, small wooden chest and portable baby crib.
    Views 92
    Bids 1
    last bid:

    Maxwell Avenue Mini Storage - Auction #42652

    Size: 50 sq. ft.
    Appliances, large mirror, toy wagon, vacuum, pans, 8-track tapes, hard case(typewriter??maybe), shredder
    Views 96
    Bids 3
    last bid:

    Maxwell Avenue Mini Storage - Auction #42654

    Size: 50 sq. ft.
    Shoe boxes, clothes maybe Carhartt jacket, maybe folding chair
    Views 110
    Bids 7
    last bid:

    Maxwell Avenue Mini Storage - Auction #42646

    Size: 50 sq. ft.
    Several suitcases, totes, flat screen TV, tool boxes, wooden chest, wooden chair, small refrigerator
    Views 19
    Bids 0
    last bid:

    Maxwell Avenue Mini Storage - Auction #38768

    Size: 50 sq. ft.
    Several suitcases, totes, flat screen TV, tool boxes, wooden chest, wooden chair, small refrigerator
    Views 136
    Bids 0
    last bid:

    Maxwell Avenue Mini Storage - Auction #38769

    Size: 50 sq. ft.
    Totes, suitcases, DVD’s or CD’s, wooden quilt rack, wooden bowl, lamps, maybe a microwave and some sort of wooden chest.
    Views 118
    Bids 0
    last bid:
    On-site Only Auctions

    Maxwell Avenue Mini Storage

    Storage auction at Maxwell Avenue Mini Storage on 11/14/2014 at 10:00AM.
    Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 10:00 AM

    Maxwell Avenue Mini Storage

    Storage auction at Maxwell Avenue Mini Storage on 06/05/2015 at 10:00AM.
    Fri, Jun 5, 2015 at 10:00 AM
  • No upcoming on-site auctions for this facility.

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