All Storage Lake Mead

7151 E Lake Mead Blvd
Las Vegas, NV 89156

📞 (702) 531-2900

  • No current on-site auctions for this facility.

  • All Storage Lake Mead - Auction #38827

    Size: 100 sq. ft.
    Unit Appears to Contain: Oversized tapestry rug, boxes, 2 ladders, toys, microwave, skateboards, mattress, bags, obstructed view
    Views 74
    Bids 0
    last bid:

    All Storage Lake Mead - Auction #38826

    Size: 100 sq. ft.
    Unit appears to contain: Boxes, Dolly, walker, ironing board, stove, obstructed view
    Views 62
    Bids 0
    last bid:

    All Storage Lake Mead - Auction #38824

    Size: 150 sq. ft.
    Unit appears to contain boxes, plant stand, flat tv, vacuum, sectional sofa, child's gate, mattress
    Views 127
    Bids 1
    last bid:

    All Storage Lake Mead - Auction #38822

    Size: 50 sq. ft.
    Unit appears to contain weights, lots of bags, books, lamps, stools, speaker(califone).
    Views 164
    Bids 4
    last bid:

    All Storage Lake Mead - Auction #38821

    Size: 100 sq. ft.
    Unit appears to contain front load washer & dryer, toys, boxes, clothes, couch,
    Views 41
    Bids 0
    last bid:

    All Storage Lake Mead - Auction #38825

    Size: 100 sq. ft.
    Unit appears to contain: Front Load Washer and Dryer ,boxes, toys, compressors, stove, speakers, tread Mill, sofa
    Views 232
    Bids 12
    last bid:

    All Storage Lake Mead - Auction #38823

    Size: 100 sq. ft.
    Unit appears to contain wheel chair, oxygen tanks, boxes, massage chair, toys, stand up pop corn machine, tool box, window air conditioner, 2 theater chairs, obstructed view
    Views 87
    Bids 0
    last bid:

    All Storage Lake Mead - Auction #38816

    Size: 225 sq. ft.
    Unit appears to contain dressers, bags, boxes, grinder, dishes, pots & pans, TVs, night stand. Very obstructed view.
    Views 38
    Bids 0
    last bid:

    All Storage Lake Mead - Auction #38817

    Size: 225 sq. ft.
    Unit appears to contain dressers, bags, boxes, grinder, dishes, pots & pans, TVs, night stand. Very obstructed view.
    Views 200
    Bids 1
    last bid:

    All Storage Lake Mead - Auction #38820

    Size: 225 sq. ft.
    Unit appears to contain dressers, bags, boxes, grinder, dishes, pots & pans, TVs, night stand. Very obstructed view.
    Views 42
    Bids 0
    last bid:
    On-site Only Auctions

    All Storage Lake Mead

    STORAGE LIEN SALE PERSONAL PROPERTY & HOUSEHOLD ITEMS WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO RECOVER CHARGES OWED FOR THE FOLLOWING PROPERTIES AUCTION DATE: DECEMBER 16, 2013 ALL STORAGE OF EAST LAKEMEAD 7151 E. Lakemead Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89156 AUCTION TIME: 9:30 AM UNIT# / NAME 2125 Nick Carlyie 4242 Sheila Matthews 2235 Doug Shiflet 2253 Evonne Bailey 3301 Arkezia Beard 2340 Laura Forsythe 2278 & 3209 Gilbert R Johnson 2138 Dennis Mithcell 4262 Greg Paiva 2131 Klenette Traylor ALL STORAGE @ RANCHO 3290 N. Rancho Dr. Las Vegas, NV 89130 AUCTION TIME: 10:00 AM UNIT / NAME 047 Jamillah Ali-Rahman 052 Tonya Cooper 157 Byron Buckles 159 Joyce E Lupiani 169 Tonique Lasley 214 Candie Tewksbury 251 Samir Husetovic 376 Wade McCuistion 380 Maria Ramos 456 Clarice D Brown 476 Shonte Foster 607 Lynn Shoen 626 Jahary Banks 681 Lorinda Teafatlller 690 Carl Griffin 723 Cheryl Ray 778 James Busch ALL STORAGE OF NORTH VALLEY 5650 Revere Street N. Las Vegas, NV 89031 AUCTION TIME: 10:00 AM UNIT#/NAME 037 Charles Burrell 226 Elizabeth Elio 324 Merci Fuller 372 Venda Herring 275 Stephanie Macklin 463 Michael T McGuire 014 & 025 Joyce Meikle 048 Edward Razo 316 Ingrid Thorbourne 499 Edward Vierra PUB: December 2, 9, 2013 LV Review-Journal
    Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 09:30 AM

    All Storage Lake Mead

    STORAGE LIEN SALE PERSONAL PROPERTY & HOUSEHOLD ITEMS WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO RECOVER CHARGES OWED FOR THE FOLLOWING PROPERTIES AUCTION DATE: DECEMBER 16, 2013 ALL STORAGE OF EAST LAKEMEAD 7151 E. Lakemead Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89156 AUCTION TIME: 9:30 AM UNIT# / NAME 2125 Nick Carlyie 4242 Sheila Matthews 2235 Doug Shiflet 2253 Evonne Bailey 3301 Arkezia Beard 2340 Laura Forsythe 2278 & 3209 Gilbert R Johnson 2138 Dennis Mithcell 4262 Greg Paiva 2131 Klenette Traylor ALL STORAGE @ RANCHO 3290 N. Rancho Dr. Las Vegas, NV 89130 AUCTION TIME: 10:00 AM UNIT / NAME 047 Jamillah Ali-Rahman 052 Tonya Cooper 157 Byron Buckles 159 Joyce E Lupiani 169 Tonique Lasley 214 Candie Tewksbury 251 Samir Husetovic 376 Wade McCuistion 380 Maria Ramos 456 Clarice D Brown 476 Shonte Foster 607 Lynn Shoen 626 Jahary Banks 681 Lorinda Teafatlller 690 Carl Griffin 723 Cheryl Ray 778 James Busch ALL STORAGE OF NORTH VALLEY 5650 Revere Street N. Las Vegas, NV 89031 AUCTION TIME: 10:00 AM UNIT#/NAME 037 Charles Burrell 226 Elizabeth Elio 324 Merci Fuller 372 Venda Herring 275 Stephanie Macklin 463 Michael T McGuire 014 & 025 Joyce Meikle 048 Edward Razo 316 Ingrid Thorbourne 499 Edward Vierra PUB: December 2, 9, 2013 LV Review-Journal
    Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 09:30 AM
  • No upcoming on-site auctions for this facility.

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