120 sq. ft.
One of three contiguous storage units (58,59,60) located close to the elevator (2nd floor), belonging to Lesa Longstreet, of Longstreet Design, ( who recently passed away. She was a high end designer primarily in the Palos Verdes area. These units comprised most of her retail store collection of interior design products and other miscellaneous items. The value of the unit should be more that two - four times + the minimum bid.
This unit (58) contains approx 7 ft by 4 ft blue computer table with 8 cubby holes 1 ft by 1 ft, Hon lockable 3 ft wide 4 drawer file cabinet, various tools, 32 in. high by 18 in. wide 18 in. deep Haler refrigerator, Barrecrafters ski rack, 4 ski poles, 10 drawer file cabinet, track lighting with lights, expensive ski exercise apparatus. office swivel chair, various boxes with designer items from her store! Contents of boxes is unknown.