A-American Self Storage Pomona

2157 Murchison Ave
Pomona, CA 91768

🌎 www.aamericanselfstorage.com
📞 (909) 620-7508

  • No current on-site auctions for this facility.

  • A-American Self Storage Pomona - Auction #41273

    Size: 200 sq. ft.
    This unit appears to contain unit appears to contain, plywood/wood, small smoker BBQ. Oxygen tank, water dispenser, hard hat, bean bag, mattress, piano, money safe, sewing machine table, paper shredder, clothing, animal water trough, 3 BIKES SELLING FOR PARTS ONLY, NO KEYS.

    $200 Cash Deposit
    24 Hours for payment
    48 hours to clear out unit
    Access hours are from 9am-5:30pm ONLY. Mon-Sun (not including major Holidays).
    Views 209
    Bids 45
    last bid:

    A-American Self Storage Pomona - Auction #40926

    Size: 50 sq. ft.
    This unit appears to contain, bags, 5+ boxes, 2 speakers, 2 high chairs, Dolly Parton doll, Darth Vader doll, Elvis Presley phone box, misc items,

    $100 Cash Deposit
    24 Hours for payment
    48 hours to clear out unit
    Access hours are from 9am-5:30pm ONLY. Mon-Sun (not including major Holidays).
    Views 225
    Bids 14
    last bid:

    A-American Self Storage Pomona - Auction #40922

    Size: 70 sq. ft.
    This unit appears to contain, bags, clothing, mirror, 10+ boxes, suitcase, skateboards, 2 guitars, sitting stool. bike, duffel bag, hamper, sewing machine, speaker, misc items.

    $100 Cash Deposit
    24 Hours for payment
    48 hours to clear out unit
    Access hours are from 9am-5:30pm ONLY. Mon-Sun (not including major Holidays).
    Views 48
    Bids 0
    last bid:

    A-American Self Storage Pomona - Auction #40920

    Size: 50 sq. ft.
    This unit appears to contain, 7 boxes, clothing, 15+ totes, cd's, suitcase, model train box, shoes, small shelf, rack, misc items.

    $100 Cash Deposit
    24 Hours for payment
    48 hours to clear out unit
    Access hours are from 9am-5:30pm ONLY. Mon-Sun (not including major Holidays).
    Views 52
    Bids 0
    last bid:

    A-American Self Storage Pomona - Auction #40919

    Size: 50 sq. ft.
    This unit appears to contain, Christmas decorations, 2 vacuums, stereo, fan, hallway table, lamp, BBQ, small liquor cabinet, clothing misc items.

    $100 Cash Deposit
    24 Hours for payment
    48 hours to clear out unit
    Access hours are from 9am-5:30pm ONLY. Mon-Sun (not including major Holidays).
    Views 62
    Bids 0
    last bid:

    A-American Self Storage Pomona - Auction #40934

    Size: 70 sq. ft.
    This unit appears to contain, bags, clothing, mirror, 10+ boxes, suitcase, skateboards, 2 guitars, sitting stool. bike, duffel bag, hamper, sewing machine, speaker, misc items.

    $100 Cash Deposit
    24 Hours for payment
    48 hours to clear out unit
    Access hours are from 9am-5:30pm ONLY. Mon-Sun (not including major Holidays).
    Views 425
    Bids 33
    last bid:

    A-American Self Storage Pomona - Auction #40929

    Size: 200 sq. ft.
    This unit appears to contain, upholstery sewing machine, fabric, seats couches, kayak. misc items.

    $100 Cash Deposit
    24 Hours for payment
    48 hours to clear out unit
    Access hours are from 9am-5:30pm ONLY. Mon-Sun (not including major Holidays).
    Views 370
    Bids 14
    last bid:

    A-American Self Storage Pomona - Auction #40928

    Size: 70 sq. ft.
    This unit appears to contain, air conditioner, bags, clothing, bedding, entertainment center, microwave, 3 boxes, desk, large bakery pot, Christmas tree stand, crock pot, chair, dishes, miscs items.

    $100 Cash Deposit
    24 Hours for payment
    48 hours to clear out unit
    Access hours are from 9am-5:30pm ONLY. Mon-Sun (not including major Holidays).
    Views 323
    Bids 14
    last bid:

    A-American Self Storage Pomona - Auction #40927

    Size: 70 sq. ft.
    This unit appears to contain, bags, bedding, entertainment center, lamps, refrigerator, coffee maker, chairs, table, baby tub, mini fridge, baby rocker, wall art, Coca Cola ice chest, small kitchen rack, shoes, misc items.

    $100 Cash Deposit
    24 Hours for payment
    48 hours to clear out unit
    Access hours are from 9am-5:30pm ONLY. Mon-Sun (not including major Holidays).
    Views 273
    Bids 17
    last bid:

    A-American Self Storage Pomona - Auction #39774

    Size: 100 sq. ft.
    This unit appears to contain, 3 suitcases, 20+ totes, dollie, power scooter, blankets new in package, porta power, tool box, tool bag, wall art, misc items.
    Views 312
    Bids 50
    last bid:

    No past on-site auctions for this facility.

  • No upcoming on-site auctions for this facility.

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