Auction#: 41227 Size:
25 sq. ft.
The unit appear to contain- Lamps, Clothing, Comforters, Suitcase, Wall Art, Misc Boxes
Auction#: 41228 Size:
200 sq. ft.
The unit appears to contain- Rugs, Books, Table, Ottoman, Shelf, Microwave oven, Rug cleaner, Boom box, Vacuum cleaner, Mirror
No current on-site auctions for this facility.
100 sq. ft.
The unit appears to contain- Vacuum cleaner, Chairs, Sofa, Headboard, Microwave oven, Suitcase, Plastic tubs, Misc boxes, Statue, Scooter
50 sq. ft.
The unit appears to contain- Rug, Coffee maker ,Chairs, Pillows, Coffee table, Misc Boxes
200 sq. ft.
The unit appears to contain- Rugs, Books, Table, Ottoman, Shelf, Microwave oven, Rug cleaner, Boom box, Vacuum cleaner, Mirror
75 sq. ft.
Unit appears to contain- Wall Art, Misc boxes, End Table, Microwave oven, Camping Chairs, Books, Crock Pot
100 sq. ft.
Unit appears to contain- Flat Screen TV, Washing Machine W/Stand, Wall Art, Cart, Electric Tree Trimmer, Electric Weed Whacker, Conduit Tubing, Suitcase, Shoes, Books, Power Tools, Shelf, A/C Unit
150 sq. ft.
Unit appears to contain- Industrial Fan, Large Safe, Car Engine, Auto Parts, Tools, Carts, Tool Box, Car Tire Rim
100 sq. ft.
Unit appears to contain Tires/Rims, Guitars, Subwoofer, Sledge Hammer, Cushion
180 sq. ft.
Unit appears to contain Suitcases, lamps, Clothes, Misc Boxes, Books, Bike Frame, Coffee Maker, Mini Refrigerator
100 sq. ft.
Unit appears to contain Wooden Bar, Table, Suitcase, Grape Press, Plastic Tubs, Planter Boxes, Wood Flooring in boxes, A/C-standing Fan, Dresser
100 sq. ft.
Unit appears to contain Mattress, Couch, House Plant, Lamp, Portable Fan, Clothing, Shelf, A/C unit
No past on-site auctions for this facility.
No upcoming on-site auctions for this facility.