Trojan Storage Campbell

680 E McGlincy Ln
Campbell, CA 95008

📞 (408) 709-7589

  • Trojan Storage Campbell - Auction #41227

    Auction#: 41227 Size: 25 sq. ft.
    The unit appear to contain- Lamps, Clothing, Comforters, Suitcase, Wall Art, Misc Boxes
    Views 84
    Bids 1
    1 hour left
    $ 1

    Trojan Storage Campbell - Auction #41228

    Auction#: 41228 Size: 200 sq. ft.
    The unit appears to contain- Rugs, Books, Table, Ottoman, Shelf, Microwave oven, Rug cleaner, Boom box, Vacuum cleaner, Mirror
    Views 66
    Bids 6
    3 hours left
    $ 10

    No current on-site auctions for this facility.

  • Trojan Storage Campbell - Auction #41013

    Size: 100 sq. ft.
    The unit appears to contain- Vacuum cleaner, Chairs, Sofa, Headboard, Microwave oven, Suitcase, Plastic tubs, Misc boxes, Statue, Scooter
    Views 57
    Bids 14
    last bid:

    Trojan Storage Campbell - Auction #41011

    Size: 50 sq. ft.
    The unit appears to contain- Rug, Coffee maker ,Chairs, Pillows, Coffee table, Misc Boxes
    Views 44
    Bids 1
    last bid:

    Trojan Storage Campbell - Auction #41016

    Size: 200 sq. ft.
    The unit appears to contain- Rugs, Books, Table, Ottoman, Shelf, Microwave oven, Rug cleaner, Boom box, Vacuum cleaner, Mirror
    Views 40
    Bids 0
    last bid:

    Trojan Storage Campbell - Auction #41020

    Size: 75 sq. ft.
    Unit appears to contain- Wall Art, Misc boxes, End Table, Microwave oven, Camping Chairs, Books, Crock Pot
    Views 40
    Bids 1
    last bid:

    Trojan Storage Campbell - Auction #40096

    Size: 100 sq. ft.
    Unit appears to contain- Flat Screen TV, Washing Machine W/Stand, Wall Art, Cart, Electric Tree Trimmer, Electric Weed Whacker, Conduit Tubing, Suitcase, Shoes, Books, Power Tools, Shelf, A/C Unit
    Views 54
    Bids 0
    last bid:

    Trojan Storage Campbell - Auction #40099

    Size: 150 sq. ft.
    Unit appears to contain- Industrial Fan, Large Safe, Car Engine, Auto Parts, Tools, Carts, Tool Box, Car Tire Rim
    Views 45
    Bids 2
    last bid:

    Trojan Storage Campbell - Auction #39823

    Size: 100 sq. ft.
    Unit appears to contain Tires/Rims, Guitars, Subwoofer, Sledge Hammer, Cushion
    Views 168
    Bids 16
    last bid:

    Trojan Storage Campbell - Auction #39444

    Size: 180 sq. ft.
    Unit appears to contain Suitcases, lamps, Clothes, Misc Boxes, Books, Bike Frame, Coffee Maker, Mini Refrigerator
    Views 73
    Bids 1
    last bid:

    Trojan Storage Campbell - Auction #39457

    Size: 100 sq. ft.
    Unit appears to contain Wooden Bar, Table, Suitcase, Grape Press, Plastic Tubs, Planter Boxes, Wood Flooring in boxes, A/C-standing Fan, Dresser
    Views 53
    Bids 0
    last bid:

    Trojan Storage Campbell - Auction #39458

    Size: 100 sq. ft.
    Unit appears to contain Mattress, Couch, House Plant, Lamp, Portable Fan, Clothing, Shelf, A/C unit
    Views 101
    Bids 22
    last bid:

    No past on-site auctions for this facility.

  • No upcoming on-site auctions for this facility.

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