2 Children Bicycles, Drums, 2 Swivel Chairs, Tool Work Bench, Wagon, Metal Shelves, Dresser, Luggage's, Milwaukee Vacuum, 2+ Mattress Sets, Metal Storage Cabinet, 5 Gal Water Jugs, Power Wheels, Table, Christmas Decorations, Water Hose, Wooden Bedframe
Thule Car Roof Rack, Heavy Duty Dolly, Red Tool Box, 4+ Plastic Totes, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Shoes, Laundry Basket, Toy Light Up Sword, Gun Hard Plastic Case, Portable Cooler, and more.
BBQ Grill, Exercise Bicycle, Large Mirror, Kicker Car Speaker Amp, Kicker Car Speaker inside Custom Box, Behr 5-gal Paint Bucket, Steeping Stool Ladder, Umbrella, Misc. Glues, Spray Paint, Roll of Plastic Wrap, Car Parts, Bluetooth Speaker, Car Battery and other Misc. items.
Rolling Luggage, Vehicle/Motorcycle Ramp, Boxes, 2 Bass Pro Duffle Bags, 2 Wooden Dresser Drawers, Teddy Bear, Clothing, Scale, 4+ Black Bags Full, 3+ While Bags Full, Portable Fan/Heater, 3+ Plastic Totes, Scooter, Toys, New Balance Shoes, Jordan Backpack and more.