Metro Storage

4320 Hessmer Ave
Metairie, LA 70002

📞 (504) 455-3330

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  • On-site Only Auctions

    Metro Storage

    Public Auction for Metro Self Storage-Metairie Location: 4320 Hessmer Ave Metairie La 70002 504-455-3330 On Tuesday January 14 2014 @ 10:00 am property contained in the following units will be sold to the highest bidder owner's lien for rent under R.S.9:4756 et. se. auction is with reserve. Metro Self Storage reserves the right to set minimum bids and to refuse bids. CASH ONLY for the following units 3143 Jesse K. Jones Jr plastic bins, chair, boxes 1071a Alexandre Bonin boxes, dryer, golf clubs. 2020 Karina Castillo sinks, boxes, speakers. 2025 Chad Chandler boxes, desk, sofa. 3083 Damarcus Shaw bedroom set, boxes, shoes. 3019 Jose A. Toledo case, chair, headboard. 2027 Nathaniel Benn house hold goods.
    Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 10:00 AM
  • No upcoming on-site auctions for this facility.

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