Central Storage Center L.L.C, wishing to avail themselves of the Louisiana Self Storage Act, Quote R.S. 94756 et seq, hereby gives notice of the sale under said Act to wit: On December 27, 2013 at 11:00 a.m. at Central Storage Center L.L.C, 1019 Central avenue, Metairie, LA 70001, a public sale to the highest bidder for cash or money order of the following spaces: Unit 416A, Brenda Rodgers, Mattress set, headboard/footboard, chest of drawers, nightstand, 2 t.v's, table and chairs, coffee table, trunks, boxes, bags, misc household items. Unit 114A, Krystal Jackson, Cases of Bud Light and Budweiser beer. Unit 111A, Kernell Smith, Clothes, mattress, stroller, bins, microwave, box. Unit 5031, Natole Plaisance, Clothing, plastic containers, suitcases. Unit 5020, Ashley Herring, 2 end tables, plastic containers, heater, comforter set, Christmas items.