Accurate Storage, LLC

1011 Seal Beach Blvd
Seal Beach, CA 90740

📞 (562) 431-6424

  • No current on-site auctions for this facility.

  • Accurate Storage, LLC - Auction #35572

    Size: 90 sq. ft.
    Views 629
    Bids 30
    last bid:

    Accurate Storage, LLC - Auction #35108

    Size: 54 sq. ft.
    The storage unit appears to contain miscellaneous household goods, mattress, surfboard, power washer, tub, ice chest, and miscellaneous containers of unknown content.
    Views 545
    Bids 16
    last bid:

    Accurate Storage, LLC - Auction #35110

    Size: 60 sq. ft.
    The storage unit appears to contain miscellaneous household goods, furniture, bicycles, portable A/C unit, floating chair raft, fishing poles, rinse kit, ice chest, and miscellaneous containers of unknown content.
    Views 583
    Bids 28
    last bid:

    Accurate Storage, LLC - Auction #34950

    Size: 130 sq. ft.
    Unit appears to contain furniture, bed, refrigerator, microwave, lamps, artwork, miscellaneous household goods, and miscellaneous containers of unknown content.
    Views 527
    Bids 12
    last bid:

    Accurate Storage, LLC - Auction #34923

    Size: 130 sq. ft.
    Unit appears to contain furniture, refrigerator, microwave oven, bed, lamps, artwork, miscellaneous household goods, and miscellaneous containers of unknown content.
    Views 83
    Bids 0
    last bid:

    No past on-site auctions for this facility.

  • No upcoming on-site auctions for this facility.

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