Lincoln Self Storage

801 S Coddington Ave
Lincoln, NE 68522

📞 (402) 435-0085

  • No current on-site auctions for this facility.

  • Lincoln Self Storage - Auction #41068

    Size: 100 sq. ft.
    Totes, clothes, weights, curling bar, bags, laundry baskets, game, bed frame, TV stand, box fan, Brother sewing machine, toys, miscellaneous items.
    Views 195
    Bids 7
    last bid:

    Lincoln Self Storage - Auction #40908

    Size: 100 sq. ft.
    Bed frames, mattresses, lamp, laundry baskets, clothes, backpack, trash can, pots & pans, crock pot, kids toys, blanket, totes, camping chair, gift wrap, miscellaneous items.
    Views 174
    Bids 3
    last bid:

    Lincoln Self Storage - Auction #40155

    Size: 150 sq. ft.
    Boxes, kids bed, mattresses, kitchen chairs, speakers, dresser, mop, towing hitch, gas can, miscellaneous items. Previously up for auction but we stopped the sale because the tenant paid a significant portion of what was owed with a promise to pay the remaining amount. They never did. We never unlocked or reentered the unit. It has been sealed since the last time it was up for auction.
    Views 278
    Bids 28
    last bid:

    Lincoln Self Storage - Auction #40156

    Size: 150 sq. ft.
    Boxes, kids bed, mattresses, kitchen chairs, speakers, dresser, mop, towing hitch, gas can, miscellaneous items.
    Views 94
    Bids 2
    last bid:

    Lincoln Self Storage - Auction #39711

    Size: 200 sq. ft.
    Checker top gaming table, pillows, boxes, decorations, steamer trunk, pursue, athletic balls, card table, kitchen chairs, recliner, blanket, VCR, totes, wood bench, loveseat, couch, stool, cabinet, patio chairs, Halloween masks, pictures, miscellaneous items.
    Views 317
    Bids 16
    last bid:

    Lincoln Self Storage - Auction #39608

    Size: 150 sq. ft.
    Boxes, kids bed, mattresses, kitchen chairs, speakers, dresser, mop, towing hitch, gas can, miscellaneous items.
    Views 198
    Bids 3
    last bid:

    Lincoln Self Storage - Auction #37361

    Size: 100 sq. ft.
    Bed frame, mattress, box spring, headboard, pillows, chairs, totes, clothing, boots, end table, cooler, boxes, hangers, waste basket, bag, shoes, miscellaneous items.
    Views 296
    Bids 13
    last bid:

    Lincoln Self Storage - Auction #37360

    Size: 150 sq. ft.
    Boxes, kids clothes, toys, child's bike, laundry basket, pictures, television, totes, InstaPot, miscellaneous items.
    Views 192
    Bids 7
    last bid:

    Lincoln Self Storage - Auction #36964

    Size: 150 sq. ft.
    Chairs, kids bed, boxes, bed, mattresses, box spring, dust mop, car parts, audio equipment, dresser, clothes, tire, ball hitch, gas can, Coca-Cola in bottles, miscellaneous items.
    Views 236
    Bids 5
    last bid:

    Lincoln Self Storage - Auction #34879

    Size: 100 sq. ft.
    Tools, tool boxes, floor buffer, ladders, table saw, toilet, trash can, milk crate, 4x4 post, mop bucket & wringer, buckets, laundry basket, backpacks, shelves, Cornwell rolling tool chest, clothes, boxes, level, tape, fan, bags, jobsite helmets, globe, lunch box, suitcases, totes, miscellaneous items.
    Views 543
    Bids 54
    last bid:

    No past on-site auctions for this facility.

  • No upcoming on-site auctions for this facility.

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